Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Clearing Day in the Band Produce Greenhouse

First day of February at the weekend which meant it is time to start getting the greenhouse ready for planting. Finger has the plans for where all the seeds will go, but first things first - time to clear a bit of extra space.

The greenhouse is an old vinery that had been used to grow roses in, with large parts of it still overgrown with rose brambles. We cleared two new rows (one to plant in and one to store kit on).

Horrible brambly bushes everywhere (good haul of rosehips though - syrup adventures to follow).

The gang hard at work

So a whole extra row is ready for use - some plan to use a rotivator to get the soil ready was hatched, and we put down some compost from the Guernsey Mushroom Growers farm.

Putting down the compost

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